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    We are a small, family owned business located in Europe. Our brand focuses on the issues, that we all are facing day to day – to be more precise on the obstacles, that do try to stop us from reaching our set goals.

    We do believe, that eacch problem has its own solution, that at some cases might be a simple and fast one. That’s why we decided to focus on sport achievements and to eliminate the most common two obstacles – pain and the lack of comfort.

    We think, that reducing the impact of the negative impact of the pain and sourness we can reach much better results fester and sport eventually will return as a pleasant and exciting expeirence.

    That is exactly what we want to reach here at UPNORD – to be and to feel comfortable while doing sports. It doesn’t matter if we are spinning inside or cycling outside, what matters is to be comfortable at the very first second of our workout until the very last moment of it.

    Be fast, comfortable and reach your goals.